Pyramids Pharmacy provides access to many of the newest, most advanced medications used to treat a variety of health issues. These include drugs for: Hepatitis, HIV, Cancer, Organ transplants, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis, and other conditions.

Since these medications are often complex or higher cost, you probably won’t find them at a regular retail pharmacy. In fact, some manufacturers will only offer these drugs through specialty pharmacies. Pyramids Pharmacy does much more than just simply fill your prescriptions. Our team of pharmacists and patient care experts will act as advocates for you in a variety of ways, we can find out if you qualify for patient assistant programs available from some manufacturers to reduce the cost of your medications. We can also work directly with your health insurance company to get any authorizations needed for your drugs to be covered. Because dealing with a serious health issue is never easy, we’re also here to provide guidance to you. We want to serve as a member of your healthcare team, just like your doctor.

We will deliver your medication to your door step FREE of charge!! And will give you detailed instructions on how to take your medication—such as how to inject yourself correctly, if needed. We will also provide information about potential side effects and how to best manage them. Our pharmacists can even work with your doctor to help adjust your medication plan or dosage so that your treatment is both effective and manageable.

For Our Providers

It’s our dedication to providing premier service that differentiates us from other specialty pharmacies in the healthcare industry.

At Pyramids Pharmacy, we work hard to eliminate any administrative and clinical burdens placed on physicians when they need to prescribe an innovative specialty medication. As a result, our providers can focus their time and energy where it is most valuable—on improving the health of their patients.

Prior authorizations are very common in the world of specialty pharmacy, since these drugs may be higher cost than other medications you prescribe. This means that insurance carriers want to closely oversee the prescribing process. Pyramids Pharmacy can take on much of the work involved in securing prior authorizations for your patients, easing this burden so that you and your staff can focus on providing quality care, and ensuring that your patients can get access to the medications as soon as possible.